10 Habits For Good Health

The foundation of a healthy lifestyle consists of lasting habits like eating right, watching your weight, exercising regularly, managing your mental health, and getting routine medical exams. But even daily, small steps toward these goals also can have a significant impact read more

4 Things That Can Cause Heartburn

Heartburn is a common discomfort experienced by many, characterized by a burning sensation in the chest or throat. While occasional heartburn is not usually a cause for concern, frequent episodes can significantly affect one’s quality of life. Identifying and understanding the triggers are crucial steps before considering treatment for heartburn. Here are four common culprits that can lead to this unpleasant condition.

Dietary Choices

Certain foods and beverages are well-known triggers for heartburn. Spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolate and high-fat meals can relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing stomach acid to escape into the esophagus and cause irritation. Additionally, caffeinated beverages and alcohol can exacerbate this effect, leading to more frequent and severe episodes of heartburn.


Eating large meals can also contribute to heartburn. Overeating puts extra pressure on the LES, increasing the likelihood of acid reflux. It’s advisable to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day instead of three large meals to minimize the risk. This practice can be a simple yet effective heartburn treatment, alongside other lifestyle adjustments.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can significantly impact digestion and exacerbate symptoms of heartburn. They may not directly cause acid reflux but can lead to behaviors, such as overeating or increased consumption of trigger foods and beverages, that aggravate the condition. Managing stress through relaxation techniques or therapy can help alleviate heartburn symptoms.


Certain medications, including aspirin, ibuprofen, blood pressure medications and some antidepressants, can irritate the esophagus or relax the LES, leading to heartburn. If you suspect your medication is causing heartburn, consult with a health care provider for possible alternatives or adjustments to your treatment plan.

Understanding these common triggers can help manage and prevent heartburn. For persistent or severe cases, seeking professional advice and treatment for heartburn is essential to improve your quality of life and prevent potential complications.

Read a similar article about doctor for bronchitis here at this page.

4 Types of Thyroid Issues

The thyroid is an important yet often misunderstood organ that can affect your body in many ways. It’s a small gland located in the front part of your neck. The thyroid’s main jobs are to produce hormones and control how your body uses energy. The hormones made by the thyroid play a part in making many biological functions possible.

So, when this gland experiences issues, you must seek medical care. Treatment for thyroid issues is available, and doctors can address problems associated with the gland to promote better health. Here are a few common thyroid issues people can experience.


Goiter is a unique condition that makes the thyroid more visible than ever. Typically, the thyroid isn’t visible from outside your body. But with goiter, it becomes prominent! This issue causes the gland to grow in size, often making it protrude from your neck.

There are many possible causes of goiter. Fortunately, most aren’t dangerous. The only exception is when abnormal growth is a byproduct of cancer. When you seek treatment for thyroid issues, your doctor will do a full examination and testing to rule out major health problems before considering options to address goiter.


Hyperthyroidism occurs when this gland produces more hormones than your body needs. Health care professionals may refer to your thyroid as “overactive” because it’s doing more than the body needs to stay healthy.

Because the thyroid produces hormones that regulate your heart rate, breathing, metabolism and more, excessive hormone production can cause many health issues. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism often include unplanned weight loss, irregular heartbeat and sweating.


While hyperthyroidism happens when the thyroid produces too many hormones, hypothyroidism occurs when it doesn’t make enough. In those cases, the gland is “underactive.” The symptoms of hypothyroidism are the opposite of the former issue. They can include unexpected weight gain, cold sensitivity and fatigue.

Thyroid Cancer

One of the more worrying thyroid issues is thyroid cancer. Cancer cells can develop and grow out of control in your thyroid before spreading. While this form of cancer is less understood than others, there are many treatment options available.

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3 Ways to Test if You Have Allergies

Allergies can be more than a minor nuisance. They can severely impact your quality of life. In the case of serious allergic reactions, exposure to allergens can put your health and well-being at risk!

Fortunately, allergy treatment options are available. But before exploring those options, you need to pinpoint what allergens cause trouble. Here are a few ways you can test if you have allergies.

Skin Tests

One of the most common methods of testing for allergies is to perform a skin test. These tests can diagnose several types of allergic conditions, including dermatitis, food allergies, hay fever, etc.

The test involves exposing your skin to common allergens and observing the area. In most cases, health care providers will test for multiple allergens at once by applying the allergens to your arm or back. Then, they’ll examine the reaction to develop an allergy treatment plan that works for your unique needs.

Medical History Review

In addition to skin tests, many health care providers will review your medical history. They’ll ask questions about your general health, past experiences with reactions, the types of symptoms that occur and more. They’ll also ask about your family history of allergies.

This information is crucial for understanding how allergens affect you. Generally, these reviews accompany other diagnostic tests for a more comprehensive look at your allergies.

Blood Tests

While skin tests are the most common route, not everyone can take them. Doctors generally avoid them if you’ve ever had a severe allergic reaction or have certain skin conditions like widespread eczema or psoriasis. You may also need other testing alternatives if you take medications that interfere with results, such as antihistamines and certain antidepressants.

Blood tests are an effective alternative when you can’t take a skin test. Also known as Allergen-Specific Immunoglobulin E tests, allergy blood tests measure the levels of different antibodies in your blood. These tests aren’t effective for penicillin allergies, but they’re still a reliable alternative to skin tests for other common allergens.

Speak with your doctor to see what testing option is right for you.

Read a similar article about help with skin care here at this page.

Why You Need to Have a Primary Care Physician

Getting healthcare can be stressful and confusing. For that reason, millions of Americans only see health care providers whenever they’re sick or injured. It’s an unfortunate reality that often increases the risk of long-term health issues. Ideally, working with a primary care physician who practices general medicine is the better approach.

A Denver Colorado primary care physician (PCP) does more than see you when you’re sick. They’re your health manager.

The Role of a Primary Care Physician

PCPs are like your first connection to the world of healthcare. They’re the ones you go to when you’re experiencing mild issues. PCPs can also answer your healthcare questions, recommend treatments and connect you with the specialists you need.

To optimize your health, you need to see a PCP regularly. These physicians monitor your health long-term. They take the time to understand your health history and current needs. Through regular checkups, they can monitor changes and look for potential issues. In many cases, PCPs can spot problems early.

Early detection matters for many diseases and chronic conditions. Working with a professional who knows your risk factors and history makes a big difference. They understand your health better than any other provider, enabling them to spot small changes before they become big issues.

But that’s not all.

Your Denver Colorado primary care physician can also promote better health when you’re not sick. They encourage you to make better choices, making recommendations to help you maintain good health for as long as possible. That could include pushing you to be more active or eat a better diet.

If you have chronic conditions, having a PCP you can trust is crucial. They’ll work closely with you to manage your symptoms and get specialist care to help you live a healthy life.

Ultimately, PCPs prioritize your long-term health and well-being. While you’ll encounter many specialists throughout your life, no one will understand your health better than your PCP. Take time to find a physician that fits your needs. Once you become their patient, schedule regular checkups and get to know your doctor.

Read a similar article about anxiety treatment here at this page.

4 Remedies to Help with Strep Throat

Strep throat is a common condition typically caused by the bacteria group A Streptococcus. It’s a type of bacterial infection that affects the throat and tonsils. Normal symptoms of strep throat include fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat and more.

If you experience these symptoms, getting strep throat treatment as soon as possible is important. Failing to treat this condition can lead to severe complications. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat the infection and get relief from its many uncomfortable symptoms.

Antibiotic Treatment

The go-to for treating strep throat is antibiotics. After proper diagnosis, your doctor can prescribe a course of oral antibiotics. Depending on how soon you begin this treatment, it may significantly reduce the severity of strep symptoms and how long they last.

Either way, antibiotics can address the infection and provide relief within a couple of days. Most people experience decreased symptom severity and get better within 48 hours. However, others may require longer antibiotic courses.

Pain Relievers

If your doctor allows it, you may want to consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers. Simple pain-relieving products can help combat the flu-like symptoms of strep. Make sure to consult with your doctor before using these products, as they could come with additional risks if used alongside antibiotics.


Whether or not you use antibiotics for strep throat treatment, humidifiers can address the soreness it causes in your throat. Depending on the severity of the infection, strep may cause significant pain, post-nasal drip, decongestion, etc.

Humidifiers add more moisture to the air, lubricating sore tissue as you breathe. It can also loosen accumulated mucus and help you breathe easier.

Get Plenty of Rest

One of the best things you can do when you have strep throat is rest. This isn’t an illness that you should push through. Most doctors recommend taking a few days off of school or work to recover.

Pushing your body too much will only make the problem worse. Furthermore, strep throat is highly contagious. It’s best to stay home, take things easy and give your body time to recover.

Read a similar article about sinusitis treatment here at this page.

Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is part of the endocrine system. It’s a gland in the front part of your neck that produces hormones to regulate many biological functions. It plays a part in controlling your metabolic rate and your overall growth and development. The thyroid also influences your heart, digestive system, brain function and more.

Thyroid disease is a condition that affects millions of Americans. While some people know they have the disease, many don’t. Fortunately, getting an online thyroid diagnosis and subsequent treatment is easier than ever. But what is thyroid disease, and how does it affect the body?

There are two forms of thyroid disease. These include hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.


Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when your thyroid is overactive. It produces too many hormones. The exact cause of this condition can vary. The most common is Graves’ disease. It’s an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the thyroid. In response, the gland grows and overproduces.

People can also experience hyperthyroidism due to virus-caused inflammation of the gland or toxic nodular goiter, small masses that develop within the thyroid. Some also suffer from hyperthyroidism after pregnancy or taking too many thyroid hormones.

The symptoms of hyperthyroidism vary, but they can include dramatic weight loss, a fast heart rate, hand tremors, muscle weakness, general irritability and more.


While hyperthyroidism refers to an overactive thyroid gland, hypothyroidism is the opposite. If you receive an online thyroid diagnosis pointing to hypothyroidism, you have an underactive thyroid. The gland isn’t producing enough hormones to maintain good health.

This type of thyroid disease is more common in women. The most common cause is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It’s an autoimmune disease similar to Graves’ disease. In many cases, hypothyroidism is a result of damage to the thyroid gland. For example, many people experience issues after getting radiation treatment for cancer or taking anti-epilepsy drugs. Pituitary gland conditions in the brain can also cause it. Some people will also have congenital hypothyroidism from birth.

Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, sensitivity to cold temperatures, excessive weight gain and brain fog.

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Why You Should Get a Physical Every Year

Many people dread getting physicals. Some even forgo annual assessments, thinking these appointments don’t matter. However, yearly physicals are among the most important elements of well-rounded health care.

Whether you visit your primary care provider in person or do a virtual annual physical via telemedicine, these checkups are vital for helping your physician assess your overall wellness.

What is an Annual Physical?

During an annual physical, your doctor will perform many tests. They take vital signs, note changes and personalize their approach based on your unique health care needs. For example, some annuals will include pap smears every few years for women. Older adults with a high risk of heart disease may also get an EKG.

The entire point of an annual physical is to help you maintain good long-term health.

The problem with visiting doctors only when dealing with a medical concern is that they can’t gauge your overall health. There is no baseline to understand changes in your body. Annual physicals give your primary care doctor more insight into how you maintain your health. Think of it as a wellness check.

During a physical, physicians can monitor how your health evolves as you age, bringing your care up to date. If your doctor spots potential issues, they can take action to help alleviate future problems. It empowers doctors to guide you in the right direction. Whether it’s a change in weight or managing risk factors for heart disease, the best way health care providers can support you is to have a comprehensive understanding of your health and how it changes.

It’s also an opportunity for patients to gain trust in their providers. When you see the same doctor yearly, you get to know your doctor and gain more peace of mind that they fully understand your needs. That helps you trust their guidance as they make recommendations, manage your medications and more.

Getting a physical doesn’t have to be as time-consuming or awkward as it was in the past. With telemedicine innovations allowing you to schedule a virtual annual physical, there’s no excuse not to build that long-term health history with your provider.

Read a similar article about online doctor here at this page.